Nothing but shattered dreams...
"Shattered Dream" by Johnny Hates Jazz
Dunno why but just felt like posting this here. The more I look back the more I realise I got lots of shattered dreams. Next time must really think properly before I commit myself to something liaos.
As the famous saying goes, no point holding onto something that I cannot keep when I can go after something that will last forever.
Been busy with my assignments. Almost done for both. Just left a yucky report(yes I hate reports) to settle and I am done. Pushed friday morning's tutorial to thursday so at least if I do go down to the birthday party(Happy 20th Birthday to Huirong), I wun be so seh as I still got afternoon lessons. Now is to see if its possible to shift saturday morning's lesson to afternoon so that I can hang out longer with everyone.
Well thats it for today, gonna get some sleep soon after I tidy up somemore stuff.