Harder, Better, Faster, STRONGER...

"Stronger" By Kanye West

That that don't kill me can only make me stronger...

Well I am waiting for the effects of the graveyard to wear off before heading to bed. Yup first time drinking it and I think I should have had at least 1/4 of it down into my system. And I know why they name it that. And my respect to those who can take it all down at one goal and still carry on.

Well its been a very interesting week and I sort of discovered some stuff. I might be wrong here but hey life is a journey and along the way you discover new things. And with my new state of mind/thinking, I continue to understand more about me and the people around me. Well one thing for sure. This character of mine is attracting some interesting responses from people.

There are those who shoot me down saying nice guys finish last so why bother. Or saying that I am rather artificial and am trying to hard and girls do not like that in a guy. Next are those that continue to leech off my "nice-ness" knowing that there will always be Kenneth there as a backup plan. Not forgetting those that treat me a threat and are trying to put me down.

All I can say to that is too bad. I am this way, brought up this way and will continue to be this way. Sure I will finish last, miss out on the girl I like, get taken advantage off and most probably not succeed in life as well as those no so nice people.

But its ok, I do not mind finishing "last" or as what you think is "last". Heck do you even know me well enough to make such an assumption? Well all I can say is that I really do not mind being "last" if what you think I am now is "last".

As for leeching off my "nice-ness", well all the best to you when you realise that I am not always around and do start to notice people like that and can do something about stopping the flow of "nice-ness". People do move on and take notice of their surroundings.

And if being ruthless, evil and backstabbing is the way to the top, well I guess I am happy not being there. Cos you will never know when the day comes when you will get the taste of your own medicine. And when it happens, well all the best to you. Oh and dun bother finding me anymore, I would have moved on.

Lastly about not getting the girl I like. Well then screw it. Whatever. Its ok one, I am sure there will be someone out there who will actually appreciate it. After all, if I am the one who has to keep giving then forget it. I believe its about being the right person rather then finding the right person. And it works both ways. I see so much crap going on between bf and gf and I sometimes wonder why they are even together. And dun bother to come running to me and complain and expect a listening ear. Well I will still have a listening ear but thats also subject to availability. After all you are no longer on priority list.

But of cos thankfully there are still those who know what friendship is all about and how to maintain it. Or simply put, they know how to "做人". And its with these friends that I know that while it might seem hopeless to always be the nice guy to everyone, there are still people who appreciates it even though they don't say it and yet know how to respond appropriately.

So in a nutshell, I am not trying to pin point anyone here. It might not even be to me that you fall under the idiots of the world category as I know that there are still other nice people out there who put in 100% and sometimes more to people around them. And yet in return they get crap. Well a virtual toast to these other nice people.

All in all, I believe what doesn't kill me only makes me even stronger. I will come out the better person no matter what cos in the end, I will still be there a stronger and better person.

Well thats about it for today. If you want to know what incidents I am talking about, feel free to msn me or something. I am not going to spoonfeed these idiots anymore. If they cannot take a hint then well all the best to them.

Well thats about it. Will blog more again once I get things sorted out.

Good nights,
Kenneth :)