Just another week in the life of Kenneth...

With my New Balance, My Ipod Nano And Me... Yup after a week of battling the flu, its back to my old evening jog routine. And yes my nano has a lime green skin. Only because I noobly assume it will glow in the dark... which it doesn't...

Dinner at Tanjong Pargar Market with my usual makan buddies. Too bad the Rojak store did not open. But it was good fun eating and talking.

Just a random shot of my breakfast one morning. Now you know why I have to go for my evening jogs liaos... If not sure put on weight one... :P

Cannot really cook but so the least I could do for my mom is help her pound biscuits for her to use in her cooking. The result of my hard work was pork chop for dinner. :D

Neighbors came over for dinner. Forgot to take a picture before it started but I can tell you that the pizza owned us. 4 large pizzas(they took one back) is too much for 6 adults... Trust me...

And its back to school for me. First module for this term is "System Administration". Lecturer is rather interesting and funny with all the credentials to back him up. Other then being a lecturer, he works at Apple and is the IT Manager or something like that for a Nuclear Reactor Plant. Wow~!
*Yesh my TP File(which Ming happily "aquired" for us back then) is still in good condition and goes with me to school*
