Far away from the memories...

"Starlight" by Muse

Always found this song very familiar but never knew which group sang it until recently then I found out.

Anyway its the end of my holidays with my timetable for the new term out. Still no results for my 466 subject which I think everyone is waiting for. Although there is always the timetable might change clause from SIM. Kinda Irritating though.

A new term to look forward to which means new things to learn and maybe new classmates to interact with. A new set of directives in my life and a new set of goals to achieve. Saturdays burnt again which means I gotta be picky with going out on friday nights again. Unless the lecturer puts the tutorial answers in his pc again. Hehe...

Ok thats about it. Gonna get some sleep now. Rather tired today still even with sleeping 4 hours in the afternoon.

Kenneth ^_^