Justifying all the hurt inside...

"To The Moon And Back" by Savage Garden

Right the lyrics speak for themselves. But what I wanna bring is the fact that sometimes we justify all the hurt we been through. "It's his fault...", "Its her fault..." but its only when we see it as "It can be also my fault" that we grow.

True enough, sometimes its really not our fault but what is the use in playing the blaming game. Usually nothing good comes out from it.

And in light of it all, I was challenged not only to see the problem and learn from them so that I do not make the same mistakes but also to try to be part of the solution as well. Something that I think is gonna be hard but I am sure I will get there.

Guess while I won't fully understand it all now, I am sure that things will make more sense later on. And as mentioned before, only when you know what the important things are will the rest of the pieces fall into place.

Kenneth. :)