Alone under the moonlight is where I wanna be...
"With a drinking buddy like Li Bai, Tang Dynasty's most celebrated and Legendary poet, how could the moon ever be lonely in his famous "Drinking Alone Under the Moon", Li Serenaded the moon..."
*Also known as "Drinking Alone by Moonlight" (月下獨酌, pinyin: Yuè Xià Dú Zhuó)*
Well fast forward to the 21st century Singapore and while I dun think you can find another guy such as Li Bai, the moon doesn't need to feel all lonely. Or at least along Clarke Quay as lanterns have been lighted along the river side in remembrance of the moon.
And with this, I decided to take my camera for a spin there. But knowing the crowd is going to be a problem, I decided to go there later before meeting up with the usual supper group. Hopefully at a later hour, there will be lesser people and I can get clearer shots.
First stop was to SLS area and than to the nearest bookstore to check something out. While Bugis' Kino was no where near the size of the one at Taka, I managed to find what I was looking for ahead of my planned schedule. Having about an hour or two to burn, I decided to join the group at Bugis for coffee.
TCC's Nutello... Looks big right?
Well not so big after all... haha...
Group shot at TCC...
With the caffeine in my system, I went down to the main event for the night: The lanterns at Clark Quay. Had fun playing around with my camera settings trying to get a nice shot. Unfortunately, my hands are not as stable as a tripod so some shots did not turn out nice. But overall am happy and managed to get about 70 shots.
Just another night along Clarke Quay...
A bridge on a bridge...
I have no idea who she is suppose to be but just take lah...
And the traditional lanterns...
Guess its been awhile since I went out by myself to do something. And I sure did enjoy myself with nothing to worry about other than getting my stuff done. Should do this once in a while.
After my photo taking, it was back to Bugis area to meet up with Randy,Aaron, Derick, Junwen and Daniel for some pool. As usual I got beaten at almost every game I played but it was more the fun joking here and there that I enjoyed. But at least I picked some pointers here and there from the regulars.To end the night out, we headed to Lavender for supper.
And so ends another day of my 2 week break. Feeling a lot better now. Lets hope its because I am really getting over it and not because I am just chucking it to the back of my mind again. Left over emotions are never a good thing.
Kenneth :D