Reason will not lead to solution...

"Lovefool" by The Cardigans

If you hear me talk about Stardust, you will know why I picked this music video. I think Claire Danes is pretty. Ok I am expecting alot of flak now so I will rephrase it to I think she is attractive. Well at least to me.

Want to find out what I feel is attractive to me? This one is best left to msn or asking me in person. lol...

Anyway I am finally done with this stupid "Computer Security" assignment. Ok lah should have finished it way way earlier if not for my lack of motivation. So if you allow me to brag(well actually nothing to lah but just let me feel good tonite), I finished it in about 4 days.

With some help of cos but help received is help returned. I believe in a give and take type of thing.

Ok gonna check mail and clear up whatever needs to be settled before I tuck in for the nights.

Kenneth :D