Remember Not To Think Too Much And You Will Be Fine...

"In The Dark" by Dj Tiesto feat. Christian Burns

Ok I know I am wols but DJ Tiesto is good sia. Guess my trip to zouk last friday relighted my interest in Techno/Dance music. Well if you did not know, the reason I actually liked Techno/Dance before was due to the army. I was the "Force Noob DJ / Sound Guy" back than and Techno/Dance music was the way to go to keep everyone happy. I remembered that one night after a long long sequence of exercise and events I had to do, I actually sort of broke down after settling everything. As usual I stayed back to fix up all the spoiled wires and did store accounting. It was rather late at night and to just confirm that everything was working, I hooked up the sound system and played one of the Techno/Dance cds. Unfortunately I cannot remember what song was playing but it was kinda nice. Think its a remixed love song or something. And since then the interest grew and the latest Techno/Dance hits were played every time I was in charge at the mixer.

Anyway Sebastian went back to UK and Me, Elliott and Herbert went to see him off last night at the airport. His whole family was there to see him off as well. Had a good time chit chatting and disturbing both him and his sister Charmaine. Also a big thanks to the parents for the ride home. Think Sebastian should be back in UK by now getting ready to watch the Manchester Derby match(you traitor lah, support Man Utd then still take Emirates back :P)

Hope to see you back in SG again next year. Not too soon though, I need to recover from last week and save up again before we can go enjoy. :D

Well I finally cleaned up my previous blog post. Too many spelling errors with grammar mistakes. Haha guess I was still not back to normal yesterday. Really felt like after one week of intensive outfield exercise.

And lastly like my friend was telling me, I need to remind myself not to think too much. Its gonna get me back to square one again. It is bad for my health and with the extra pressure on me now, must be more careful.

Kenneth ;)