A World To Believe In...
"A World To Beleive In" by Yuna Ito x Celine Dion
A nice duet done by Yuna Ito and powerhouse Celine Dion. Have always enjoyed Celine Dion's songs and when I found out she did a duet with a Japanese singer from the forums, I just had to take a look.
And boy was I suprised. Well I am no music critic but some of Yuna Ito's other songs with both Japanese and English lyrics are not bad. There was no break in the flow of music from Japanese to English and back. Well at least not to me so thats good enough for me.
Looks like one more Japanese singer to add to my play list.
On the other note, today was spent waking up late as I had a very late night the night before. Afternoon was spent at YFC where I had a refresher course in basic graphics design and played abit with photoshop. Very rusty liaos.
Then it was off to PS to meet up with Elliott and Herbert before heading over to Elliott's place for the usual Movie Marathon. Watched Beverly Hills Cop and boy was it funny. Guess its been retro movies one after another and I am looking forward to the next one.
Finished abit earlier this time as I was stoning out and Charlene was feeling rather tired. Poor girl has to work tomorrow while the rest of us can sleep in. Ok maybe not for me as I am going out tmr morning but at least I get to sleep longer.
Rest well and enjoy your concert tomorrow. :)
Eh... Where did the sweets come from?
Playing with Photoshop. Wanted to add the line "Radio: Are You Listening?" but din have the right font type.
Kenneth ;)