The Return Of The King...

During the early hours of a Singapore Thursday morning, in a week where things cannot get any worst, such news is uplifting.

The King has returned to Saint Jame's Park.

"Tyneside was preparing itself for the third coming tonight after Newcastle owner Mike Ashley handed Kevin Keegan a sensational return as manager."

"King Kev makes Newcastle return"

And the list goes on. It was such an uplifting event that in the FA Cup 4th Round, a round best remembered by everyone where giant killers emerge and big clubs fight for their right to carry on, a 10 men Toon army fights back to erase their previous shame.

Newcastle 4, Stroke 1

And it seems the fans had their share of the moment:

And hopefully the guy(s) who made this video:

Will be having a harder time deciding which one to include for 2007/2008 as there will be too many candidates to choose from.

And so as loyal fans of Black and White look towards this Saturday's match against Bolton with renewed hope, I too pray for the Keegan Era to return to Saint Jame's Park once again.

Howay the Lads,
Kenneth :D