A Tribute to Friends... The people who will get you through...

Gundam 00 2nd Ending

Full Music Video Version

Ending songs for Gundam anime never fail to impress me with the latest one being the 2nd ending sung by Stephanie called "Friends"

We used to have the same smile
But too many years have passed since then
And I am tormented by the fact that we couldn't accept each other
So, I cast off my pride
To bring tenderness to this world
I've got to say
Even if you show courage and pretend to be strong
You can't live all alone
The promise we made on that day
Remain deep in my heart
If life goes on
You must not be afraid, yeah
Don't let it go
This vast land and your friends

translated by shinsen subs

A nice song talking about the friends that you have and meet along life's journey. Something I am learning to sort out as the days go by. The ones who matter to you and those that I am learning to slowly let go.

Anyway I am going to send in my resume to an a company dealing with IT products for the position of Product Executive. And I got this feeling its going to be an Interest vs Pay job if I do get it.

Well either way its going to be very interesting since it will be my first serious job application as part of my uni life... or whats left of it.

Ok time to get some sleep.
Kenneth. :)