Games, Freebies and some Rantings...

Phew the exams are over... well since wednesday... been playing as much games as I can for the past few days and relaxing. Its the first time holidays no one can tell me to get ready for the next term because I dun even have the subject materials nor do I even know whats going to happen next term.

I mean I do know the subject name roughly but thats about it. As with the first 2 modules, the names dun quite equal the topics we do. I mean operation systems module than come out need to learn C programming. lolz... you get what I mean.

First paper was ok. I dun think I will fail but doing well is another thing. Second paper was crazy. I cannot be confident that I will fail, pass or do well. Its one of those really dunno what to expect paper. Well hope its the first and last one of its kind.

Than it was off to have lunch and I rewarded myself with this :

Meal costed $4.50 while the drink was $1.20

What impressed me most was that there was actually some sense of presentation in the chicken cutlet I ordered. Even my friend who ordered some grilled fish with spaghetti had his fish arranged in some pattern.

After that went to SLS with some of them to look look see see and some retail therapy but for me I got my CnC3 pre order card so no need liaos.

Than its been Jade Empire playing and Call of Duty 2 which was kinda fun. Jade Empire is your usual RPG with good/bad role decision making and kung fu action. Cleared in 2 days straight. Still playing Call of Duty 2 now where it is set during world war 2. Last mission for me when the allies have landed in Europe.

Okies only 1/3 done with this post.

Moving on, I decided to head down to SIM in the morning to attend the EA Play 07 event. Mainly is to get some hands on with the Scrin side of the upcoming Command and Conquer 3 game. Had fun exploring the side as it was not featured in the demo. Managed to take some pictures of the event as well. And I "blame" Herbert for this as after seeing him also going around taking picture for his blog, I decided to join in the fun. lolz... its good stuff Herbert :)

The stage area with the sponsors.

One of the clusters of pc set up for hands on gaming. All of them have creative gigaworks speakers(that elliott been eyeing for sometime now), razer mouse, everglide keyboards and Samsung LCDs. Wanted to check out the pc specs but on second though its not nice to "inspect" other people's pc.

They got some consoles up as well to play with. Being a sony supporter, I only took pics of the PS3 in all its glory the way it was meant to be played. HHD LCD tv, great sound systems with the creative gigaworks series and of cos HD capable console (The Almight PS3).

The pre order package for the upcoming CnC3 Kane edition. Had to take a photo to remind myself that I need to go lido and queue up early.

And of cos being kenneth, nothing is complete without freebies. :D

Okies 2/3 done, almost there, hang in there...

Well this would have been it but something in the forums caught my eye.
There was a thread on the following topic : NS rumblings on the rise.

Article is here :

But I will just highlight some quotes from there and my comments.

When it was launched in 1967, the country was a pale shadow of its current self. Nevertheless, its birth rate was 55,500, which promised a credible supply of servicemen, compared with only 35,000 today.

The depletion is aggravated by hundreds of service-age youths migrating, something that hardly happened before.

Basket I cant stand these people. Yes go ahead and go overseas to study and all that. But at least come back and serve your NS. I know of a family friend of my parents where the kids chose to come back and serve. Maybe its to keep their singapore citizenship. But either way well done and kudos to you. To those idiots, well I can't swear here but yeah... losers, cowards and idiots are all I can say. If got war dun expect me to protect anyone related to you here in SG. Thats your job not mine.

Besides, Singapore’s economy – unlike the past – has become harshly competitive and global, with employers demanding work commitment from their workers.

These idiots need to realise that your company is here becos of good peaceful safe stable country. Make a guess why and because of who... sheesh... no brains...

The numbers game is ironical. When national service began in 1967, the population was only 1.98mil (2006: 4.5mil), but the increase mainly came from foreigners, who don’t have to serve.

So far, the majority of Singaporeans have grudgingly accepted national service as a necessary evil.

A minority is, however, voicing discontent about losing out to foreign workers in cases where employers are unwilling to put up with their “disruptive” annual reservist duty.

They come here take our jobs, our girls(ok lah if these girls are stupid enough than give you loh) while we lose our edge in getting a job but still ICT and RT never changes... Ok IPT was a good move that I must say...

National service remains a sensitive subject and the government doesn’t look kindly at people who undermine it, but unlike the past, the new generation is becoming more vocal against “unfair” implementation.

For example, a grassroots leader wanted to know why the small army should have more than 20 generals, saying that “having fewer generals around” would be a start to reducing spending.

Ok I got no comments on that but indirectly please do something about the rest of the regulars... Stupid no brain ones but got brawn you keep, committed loyal but not so fit one you throw... Pls ah, before I throw away my life to protect my country, please make sure my commander is worth me throwing away my life first... Pls dun give me idiots who have no brains... I mean think about it, during ur 2.5yrs or less, I am sure you can think of one idiot wasting tax money...

The government has done much to recognise the sacrifice of NS men, giving perks that range from tax incentives to higher savings top-ups and fee discounts.

The civil service also offers a slightly higher salary scale for employees who have completed their service.

With Singaporeans facing growing competition from foreign workers, however, national service has become a strain when bosses pass them over in favour of permanent residents (PRs) because of their “cumbersome” reservist duties.

Singaporean employers who have gone through it are generally more ready to employ reservists, but foreign companies often feel no such responsibility.

They often turn away locals who are still doing reservist duty, preferring to hire foreigners or PRs, who are free of the obligation.

Well how about making it easier for us to compete for jobs? Tax rebates and discounts on other stuff are nice, but a job is even better...

An average of 30,000 foreigners (2006: 57,000) and PRs are accepted every year, and they are not required to serve military service.

This anomaly is causing rumblings among NS men who feel – quite rightly – that the system reduces their ability to compete in the workplace.

How about taking our places in the local universities. So a foreigner is more suited to study in a local university than a poly grad who gave his 2 over years to the nation just because his grades are abit lower. Ok loh fine... but later on when got things happen I seriously dun think that guy/girl will stay and help this country. I know I would because this is my HOME.

Recently, a fresh Singaporean 26-year-old graduate related his interview at a foreign-owned fabrication plant here.

The first question the Taiwanese manager asked him was: “I see you are a Singaporean. Do you need to go back to serve NS every year?”

When he replied that he had to report back for in-camp training every year, the manager reacted negatively, observing that reservists who failed fitness tests would need to train until they passed.

He also mentioned frequent absence of employees who had to attend occasional military meetings, which disrupted workflow.

“If every Singaporean needs to do all this, then I’d rather not hire you all then. Every year you all have to take long periods of absence for NS and no work is done,” he added.

The Singaporean didn’t get the job.

“Singaporean males are going to suffer from this influx of foreign talents. We don’t have an even ground to compete on!” he complained.

The government appealed to employers not to discriminate against reservists, but it in many cases, it has fallen on deaf ears.

The logic of appeals borders on the absurd, remarked a blogger.

“Why should a business entity which has to earn a profit for shareholders support an obligation imposed on Singaporean males?”

The answer is obvious: “Security guarantees its own stable existence,” but it’s not always evident in their business annals

So whats the government gonna do about that case... Well looks like nothing but do let me know if something was done. Well so I guess poor us singaporean males can suck thumb and pray for the best loh.

Well thats enough rantings for me today...
