The Conclusion Part 1
And so one thing happened after another without warning. While busy planning what to do about one thing, something else turns up and throws me into dis orientation. And by the time I re orientate myself hoping that I got time to react another thing happens and throws me off guard.
I was in total dis array the whole day and even when I thought I could block it out on my way to sls to attend a extreme overclocking event, many different things were going through my mind. Can I even be faulted for not handling this situation well?
It rained heavily on the way home and I was drenched still wearing my Newcastle jersey. I usually wear it after my team wins but heck, I know they are playing tonight so wear first. Win or Lose I am still a Newcastle fan.
Anyway at first I thought the sky was crying for me as well. Haha ok kinda lame but at that moment I was so clueless on what to do. I wanted to break down and cry but there is no one left to turn to. The many offers I had have expired.
When I got home, the rain stopped and I decided to go for a jog. Usually I would think it out during my jog and thats what I did. The weather was cool and nice and the rain before meant less people willing to take the risk to go down for their jogs.
The planned 4.4km become 6km become 8.8km and on my last 100m, I saw the nice red evening. And than things started to make a lot of sense. I sprinted to the finish line with a new sense of understanding. My eyes watered abit though as through the sadness I was comforted knowing that I fought hard and I fought well keep to my principles and values, never compromising at all.
The fight had started way back than. I just wasn't aware of it. All the while I opted to the correct thing and not the right thing. I gave people the benefit of the doubt and I carried on thinking that the right thing while was no way wrong, I had the luxury to go one step more and do the correct thing.
Well I was wrong. I dis regarded the signs and went on as per normal. I wanted to be sure it was the correct thing to do. I held back, let things follow the flow.
And in the end....