Bring It On~!

Haha ok... its not the show but something else...

In Aliens: Colonial Marines, players are part of a United States Colonial Marine squad and must prepare to face an Aliens assault more intense and horrific than ever before. Driven by a compelling and original story penned by renowned writers Bradley Thompson and David Weddle, Aliens: Colonial Marines will retain the atmospheric look and feel of the original films while leveraging next-generation technology to create an entirely new interactive Aliens experience.

Cant wait for the game to come out... Bring on those aliens... My PC can take it in its full disgusting glory... or was that gore-ry?

Section movement anyone?

Nothing better than roasted aliens for breakfast

Eat Lead... or was that plasma?

Ok back to revision... printed out my notes, marked down what I need to study and my study plan is on the way. For once I am actually gonna plan out how and what to study in a systematic way... very rare for me... oh well lets hope I pass these 2 papers... although a credit would be nice...

Hate memorising and throwing them back at the lecturer type of exam paper... maybe thats why I am actually looking forward to my fyp...


*Darn I need to find time to do up my gundam...*