Bring Me Back To Life...

"Bring me to life" by Evanescence

Well its been another crazy weekend. But its over and that means one assignment down and Derick's pc is settled.

It also means I got another assignment due this wednesday. Well as compared to my previous one, this one is programming. Which means Kenneth is back in business. Sure I may not be the best programmer, but that doesn't mean I suck at it.

Sure you can smirk all you want at me during the last assignment, but guess what, its programming and its Java. No Pointers and such. And even if have, I will not be the one to loose out. Well the fire burns and its time to let it rage. He who laughs last laughs the best. I dun like to do this but no way am I gonna be put down so easily. As much as I always give in, I still got a bit of pride and stepping on it is a big mistake.

Of cos this means that I am gonna have to give up more of my social life(whatever left) but I am sure that I still have a better one than you. And yes having a girlfriend doesn't count towards it. It just means you can't do a lot of things I can still do since I am still single.

Ok enough of my rantings, its time to go sleep and get ready for more middle earth, cooking java beans and my usual 4.4km.

Nights All,
Kenneth. :D