Garage: No Greater Love...
Just thought I share some photos I took while helping out at the recent Garage. For those of you who are wondering why it is called Garage, well according to wikipedia,
a residential garage is part of a home, or an associated building, designed or used for storing a vehicle or vehicles.
And since the event location is held on the first floor of Emmanuel House where all the carparks are, its called Garage. Well at least to my understanding lah. lols...
Anyway, I went down to help out the nice people at Media(only because I got a free dinner... ok joking :P) with the usual photo printing "booth". Something which I have been doing since way back than.
Ok so enough of the borring words and onto the photos:

The junior band getting ready...

Talking about love... thus the hearts...

Dinner is served...

Media project servant hard at work as well...

Getting ready for the next item...

Even the little ones can help out...

A shot of the drum set...

Can you spot my laptop?

The senior band doing their item...

Donuts and lots of it for desert...
Well it was fun to be at EH again for Garage. Sure I was tired having reformatted and reinstalled my pc and rushing through a usual graphic card review. Plus the slight rain and crazy traffic was all that was needed to spoil one's day. But at the end of it all, no words can describe the feeling of helping out.